Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 (60)

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 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 

Botanical Garden
  I went to a botanical garden. It was large, landscaped parks where plants were grown for scientific purposes and for public display. People could stroll down folowers bordered paths or sat on benches and admired the beautiful plants. Most of the plants were labelled with their popular as well as their scientific  names.
          In greenhouses, long, low buildings made of glass and artificially heated; the more delicate plants were cultivated.
          One of the greatest botanical gardens in the world today is the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew, England. It is commonly known as Kew Gardens. One of the largest botanical gardens in the United States is the New York Botanical Gardens, Bronx, New York, which contains 13,000 species varieties of plants.
       1. What are botanical gardens? They are large, landscaped parks where … are grown.
a. trees                                          c. plants
b. shrubs                                       d. vegetables
       2. What are botanical gardens used for All the answers are correct, except …
a. for camping
b. for scientific researches
c. for scientific purposes
d. for public display
       3. What are most of the plants labeled with? All the answers are correct, except …..
a. with their scientific names
b. with their popular names
c. with their unfamiliar names
d. with their familiar names
       4. What is a bench? It is a/an ……………. Made of wood or stone.
a. round seat
b. equilateral seat
c. short seat
d. long seat
       5. What is a greenhouse? It is a long, low building made of ……. and artificially heated.
a. stone                                     c. bricks
b. glass                                     d. wood
       6. The delicate plants are cultivated. One of the following is not the meaning of delicate
a. fine.                                       c. tender.
b. soft.                                       d. harsh.
       7. Where is the Royal Botanic Garden at Kew?
a. In Europe.
b. In England.
c. In West Europe.
d. In East Europe.
       8. Where is the botanical garden in West Java?
a. Bandung Botanical Garden.
b. Bogor Botanical Garden.
c. Sukabumi Botanical Garden.
d. Lembang Botanical Garden.
       9. A chimpanzee is an African ape. It is …………. than a gorilla.
a. taller                              c. bigger
b. shorter                          d. smaller
       10.  ………… moon is so bright.
a. a                    c. it
b. an                  d. the
       11. There is ………….. new kid in class. His name is Edi.
a. a                    c. the
b. an                  d. some
       12. I do not like that shirt……….. model is old fashioned.
a. The                c. That
b. It                    d. A
       13. An octopus ………. eight foot.
a. have              c. had
b. has                d. is have
       14. A rafflesia flower……. not smell good.
a. do                  c. is
b. does              d. are
       15. Would you like to come to my party tonight?
a. It does not matter.
b. No, I disagree about that.
c. Well done.
d. I would love to.
       16. Dela : ……… our new teacher?
       Andi : I think she is a very good teacher. She is very nice and explains the lessons very well.
a. Have you seen
b. Do you like
c. May I have
d. What do you think about
       17. Leo : Mum, I have won the chess competition.
       Mother : ……………..
a. Of course
b. Sure
c. Congratulations
d. I’m sorry
       18. Nana : ………. another cup of tea, please?
       Waitres : Yes, of course.
a. Do you think
b. Would you
c. Can you
d. May I have
       19. The person ……… you met this morning was my uncle.
a. who               c. that
b. whom            d. which
        20. Ucok : ………… do you live, Putra
       Putra : I live at Salon Makmur Sentosa No. 62.
a. Why               c. When
b. Who               d. Where
       21. Alan : ……….. did you see in that house last night?
       Mike : I saw a shadow there.
a. What              c. Whom
b. Who               d. Where
       22. Donita : ………will you come to my house?
       Dikdik : At 7 p.m.
a. Who               c. When
b. Why               d. Where
       23. Elsa : ……….. did eat my apple on the table?
       Keke : I did.
a. Where           c. Whom
b. Who               d. What
       24. Snakes ……….. not have legs.
a. do c. did
b. does d. done
       25. …………. sky is blue.
a. A                                c. Which
b. An                              d. The
26.“ … Suro became brave and strong
      What is the antonym of the underline word?
      a. Powerful                     b. Hard                           c. Weak                          d. Afraid
Ingredient :
1. Fresh and cleaned chicken, cut into pieces.
2. Spices : turmeric, pepper, and garlic
3. Salt
4. Vegetable oil

The steps :
First, grind the spices until they mixed and soft.
Next, put the chicken in the bowl and pour fresh water into and then put the ground spices on it. Stir well. Then, after they are well stirred, boil the chicken until the flesh is cooked and its color turn white. After that, fry the chicken using vegetable oil until the color become brownish. Finally, serve your chicken with warm rice and chili you can also it with vegetable.

27. What is the topic of the text?
      a. How to make fried rice                                      c. How to make a cake
      b. How to make fried chicken                               d. How to make fried banana

28. What do you grind until they are mixed and soft?
      a. Spices                        b. Chicken                      c. Vegetable                   d. Water

29. “You can also garnish it with vegetable.”
      What does “it” in the sentence refer to?
      a. Rice                            b. Chili                            c. Chicken                      d. Vegetable

30. If you want to know the flesh of chicken is cooked, its colour will look ….
      a. White                          b. Yellow                         c. Brown                         d. Red
31.  Dewi    :     I have got something for you as a present.
      Amy     :     Oh, thank you. May I open it now.
      Dewi    :     Why not?
      Amy     :     Wow, …. ! The colour really suits me.
a.      How is the dress beautiful                              c. who bought this dress
b.      What a beautiful dress it is                             d. What a beautiful dress is it

32. Wahyu       :     Last night Redo gotan accident. His motorcycle hit a big tree.
      Dea           :     Oh, that’s so bad. But how come?
      Wahyu       :     It’s because he drove his motorcycle….
a.      fast and careless                                            c. carelessly
b.      carefully                                                           d. slowly

33. I was sleeping when my father … the advertisement about job vacancy on the radio.
      a. heard                          b. hears                          c. was hearing               d. is hearing

34. A       :        …. Is Marsha?
      B       :     She is 50 kilograms although she is still 12 years old.
      a. How wide                   b. How old                      c. How tall                      d. How heavy

35. Maya       :     Next Sunday is your boy friend’s birthday, isn’t it?
      Novi        :     Yes, you’re right. I … my new shirt for the birthday party.
      a. will wear                     b. am wearing                c. wear                           d. wore

36. Old story that told a boy who wanted to marry his mother is ….
      a. Joko Bodo                  b. Sangkuriang               c. Prabu Boko                d. Naga Bonar

37. Doni        :     What do you think about the weather today?
      Rony       :     I think it is … look! The sun is shining brightly.
      a. a sunny day                b. a bad day                   c. a foggy day                 d. cloudy day
38. Arrange these sentences into good paragraph!  
      1. After school Rudy went to Roni’s house to visit him.
      2. They are at the same school.
      3. Rudy and Roni are close friends
      4. He was sick. He got a serious flu
      5. Yesterday Roni didn’t go to school
      a. 1 - 3 - 5 - 2 - 4            b. 3 - 2 – 5 - 4 - 1           c. 3 - 2 - 4 - 1 - 5            d. 3 - 2 - 5 - 4 - 1

39. 1. She could not solve the problem
      2. Lisa felt unhappy this morning
      3. So she needed a friend to help her solve the problem
      4. She had a problem

      a. 2  3  4  1                     b. 2  3  1  4                     c. 2  4  1  3                     d. 2  1  4  
       To. All students of SMP Bina Bangsa
       In the framework of National Education Day the Students Organization will hold some interesting programs. They are English Speech Contest and Class Wall Magazine Competition. The program will be held on May 2nd, 2011. Started from 8 a.m until 1 p.m. 
       All classes must take part in the programs.
       For detailed information, please contact Mr. Sulaiman, the coordinator of this program
              40.    What is the announcement above about?
a.      A Students Board Organization
b.      An English Speech Contest.
c.      A National Day Celebration
d.      A National Education Day Ceremony  
              41.    Based on the announcement above, these statements are correct, except ….
a.      The program will be held on National Educational Day.
b.      There are two competitions.
c.      Mr. Sulaiman is in charge to organize the programs
d.      The programs will last for four hours.  
               42.    The following notice means that people should … when they walk.
                             WATCH YOUR STEP
a.    Be careful  
b.    Be noticed
c.    Have steps
d.    Use watch
43.“Did you watch Lawyers Club program last night?”
“No, I didn’t. What about you?”
“________. “
a. I didn’t too
b. So didn’t I
c. I did either
d. Neither did I
44. “Our classmates are going to join the tour.”
a. So am I
b. So I am
c. I do too
d. Am I too
45. Jaka : “Is it alright if I park my car here?”
Eta : “I’m sorry, that’s not allowed.”
From the italicized utterance, we know that Jaka’s permission is _______.
a. Accepted by Eta
b. Refused by Eta
c. Interrupted
d. Agreed by Eta
46. Thasya : which do you prefer, banana or star fruit?
Lia : I’d rather have star fruit than banana.
The italicized words express ________.
a. Intention
b. Invitation
c. Preference
d. Offer

Hi! My name is Dian Wahyu Dinata. I’m the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu. I live in Maron. I was very happy to meet Sue and Ayu on early February 2008. I’m very comfortable speaking English with you. I have one question for Kang Guru when I can invite KG to our school in SMP Genteng.

Dian Wahyu Dinata

Sempu, Banyuwangi
47. Who is the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition in Sempu?
a. Sue and Ayu
b. Dian Wahyu Dinata
c. Dian’s friends
d. Dian’s teacher
48. When did Dian met Sue and Ayu?
a. Before an English Poetry Reading Competition
b. When Dian invited Kang Guru
c. On early February 2008
d. When Sue and Ayu came
49. Which statement is TRUE based on the letter above?
a. Sue and Ayu have one question for Kang Guru
b. Sue and Ayu live in Maron
c. Dian Wahyu Dinata is not the winner of an English Poetry Reading Competition
d. The writer of the letter is Dian Wahyu Dinata
50.       A hurricane is a violent tropical storm with sustained winds of at least 74 mph. It forms over warm ocean waters. Warm and moist air moves towards the center of the storms and spirals upward. This releases torrential rains. As updrafts suck up more water vapor, it triggers a cycle of strengthening. This cycle can be stopped only one contact is made with land or cooler water.
            The whole hurricane can be described as a giant wheel lying on its side. The hurricane spins and moves across the Earth’s surface at a speed of between 15 and 30 km/hour. When a hurricane approaches, the wind rises swiftly, sometimes reaching speeds of 160 km/hour or more. Wind blows inward towards an area of low pressure, by travelling in a spiral due to the Earth’s rotation. When the hurricane strikes, houses maybe blown down, trees uprooted, crops damaged, and widespread flooding may also occur.
            Hurricane is known by different name in other parts of the world. In the bay of Bengal and the Arabian sea, they are called cyclones. While for those in Japan, the Philippines, and the coast of China, hurricanes are called typhoons.
            The writer wrote the text …
a.    To inform the readers about a hurricane
b.    To show the steps of how to get rid of a hurricane
c.    To amuse the readers with the story of a hurricane
d.    To tell the readers about a certain hurricane in tropical area
51.  What can be describe as a giant wheel?
       a.  The earth’s surface
       b.  The earth’s rotation
       c.  The whole hurricane
       d.  A hurricane approaches
52.  What is the main idea of paragraph 1 ?
a.      Kinds of hurricanes
b.      Where a hurricane happens
c.      The definition of hurricane
d.      The alias names for a hurricane
53.  “The whole hurricane can be described as a giant wheel…”
       The underlined word means…
a.    Awful
b.    Dynamic
c.    Very big
d.    Very strong

                        English Teacher
                        Required Exp/ C TEFL preferred
                        Ph. Louis 8564791 – 92, 8 a.m – 8. P.m
                        Monday to Saturday
54.  Which qualification must the teacher candidate have ?
a.      Explicit
b.      Expired
c.      Expressive
d.      Experience
55.  The word “experience” is similar meaning to …
a.      Skill
b.      Help
c.      Train
d.      Need

                                                                        ANNUAL PROMO
                                    Up to 40 %                SPECIAL
                                    Discount                     7 days only storewide
                                                                        At all DC world bookstores
56.  From the text we know that …
a.      The promo will last for 2 weeks
b.      All items got more than a 40% discount
c.      We can get discount at any DC World Bookstore
d.      All DC World Bookstore are wide enough to shop
57.  How frequent is the promo?
a.      Once a month
b.      Twice a month
c.      Once a year
d.      Twice a year
58.  Bookstore is a place to …
a.      Sell toys
b.      Read books
c.      Borrow books
d.      Buy books

                                                                                A Cough Syrup
                                Especially for infants and children.
                                Indication           : sore throat, cough, abnormal secretion of sputa          
                                Dosage                                : Infants under 6 months  -  1 teaspoonful ( 5 ml ) 2 x  daily
                                                                  Infants over 6 months  -  1 teaspoonful ( 5 ml ) 3 x  daily
                                Children              :  1 – 2 teaspoonful 3 x daily
                                                                   Or  as prescribed by the physician
                                Available            : in bottles of 60 ml / 90 ml
                                Store in refrigerator      
59. What is the text about? 
  a.  How to store the medicine                        c.  How to keep the medicine
 a.    How to make the medicine                         d.  How to take the medicine
60.  How long will it take an infant under 6 months to finish a bottle of 60 ml?
       a.    2 days                                 
       b.    4 days                    
       c.    6 days                     
       d.    8 days

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