21.24 Unknown 0 Comments


1. Which of the following sentence is the expression of certainty?
A.  Well, I’m very sure about that
B.  Well, I’m not so sure about that.
C.  I know you can do it well.
D.  Don’t worry, I will help you

Lina : You know? our basket ball team will play in the final match!
   Alan : ………………………………………
The suitable expression to respond the news is….
a. It’s all right
b. Yes, I like it
c. It’s a good news
d. Congratulation!


 - 2 spoons of sugar
 - one spoon of coffee powder
 - hot water
 - a cup
 - a spoon

1.  Prepare two spoons of sugar, a cup, hot water, one spoon of coffee powder, a spoon.
2. Put one spoon of coffee powder into the cup.
3. Pour some hot water into the cup.
4. Add 2 spoons of sugar into a cup of coffee
5. Stir it well and the hot coffee is ready to drink

3.The following sentences is true, except...

a.We need hot water and 2 spoons of sugar
b. we can drink the hot coffee without stir it
c.just put one spoon of coffee 
d. add the sugar before pour some hot water

4.Based on text, which is action verb?
    c.Stir,pour, put
    d.well, coffee, drink

5. " Beat the egg ..."
    a. well
    b. slowly
    c. hard
    d. correctly

6. Zeni : Congratulations, you won the english competition
    Jea   : ....
    the right sentences to ask certainty ..
    a. Thank you
    b. Yay!
    c.Are you sure?
    d. Oh my god

Tsunami is a Japanese word from a seismic sea wave generated by an undersea earthquake, landslide, or eruption.
Most tsunamis happen along the ring of fire. It is a zone of volcanoes and seismic activity. The zone encircles the Pasific Ocean.
Historically, tsunamis have caused much destruction and death. Since 1819, about 40 tsunamis have struck the Hawaian Islands and since 1883, about 20 tsunamis have struck Indonesia. The last one was on December 26,2004,which caused over 100.000 deaths.
A tsunami can have a width of 100 to 200 km and may spread far across the deep ocean. The speed is as fast as a jet plane. When the wave reaches land it can be very high, about 15 m or more.

7. What is the text talk about?
 a. Tsunami wave                c. Tsunami width
 b. Tsunami spreading        d. Tsunami

8.How many tsunami have attack the Hawaii island?
 a. Forty     b. fifty          c. Sixty    d. Thirty

9. Do you have ... sugar?
  a. some     b.any      d. a kilo of

10. "To explain how to make or do something" is the function of...
     a.narrative text text
     c.recount text
     d.procedure text

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20.16 Unknown 0 Comments


Hey Timbo
Dont you hate it when a dude starts actin up
Like this fella over here with his hands on the scuff
Be muggin and carryin on

Hey JT
Why these dudes keep starin at us
I dunno but Ima bout to find out wassup
Be easy dont take it to rough
Talk to 'em

Im not being cocky
I just noticed that she was looking at me
Chill homeboy be cool
Cause there aint no reason for all that fussin at me
Its just gettin started
And theres a lot of fish around
here just shakin they jelly
I ain't tryin to be rude dude but we tryin to tear up the place come on

There aint nothing to it
If you wanna get down then we can do it-do it
There aint nothing to it
Get out your seat
You aint glued to it
Be easy and watch that--tone
Keep stepping with your new suede shoes--on
Boys and girls lets all sing along
Now everybody just get on the good foot

Get on the good foot

Now, how am I supposed to know that she's yours
She aint got no ring on her finger
It aint our fault homeboy that your girl likes to wonder and linger
Your actin so serious
We just danced I aint even ask for her number

Dont be mad cause we the life of the party we aint tryin to hurt nobody talk to 'em

Im not being cocky
I just noticed that she was looking at me
Chill homeboy be cool
Cause there aint no reason for all that fussin at me
Its just gettin started
And theres a lot of fish around
here just shakin they jelly
I aint tryin to be rude dude but we tryin to tear up the place Come on

There aint nothing to it
If you wanna get down then we can do it-do it
There aint nothing to it
Get out your seat
You aint glued to it
Be easy and watch that--tone
Keep stepping with your new suede shoes--on
Boys and girls lets all sing along
Now everybody just get on the good foot

Get on the good foot

If you keep on pressin at me
(That dont bother me none)
Cause I see every fish in the sea
(Ima get the baddest one)
You take yourself so seriously
(But you dont impress me none)

Dont be alarmed boy..we came to do no harm boy
Talk to 'em

Im not being cocky
I just noticed that she was looking at me
Chill homeboy be cool
Cause there aint no reason for all that fussin at me
Its just gettin started
And theres a lot of fish around
here just shakin they jelly
I aint tryin to be rude dude but we tryin to tear up the place Come on

There aint nothing to it
If you wanna get down then we can do it-do it
There aint nothing to it
Get out your seat
You aint glued to it
Be easy and watch that--tone
Keep stepping with your new suede shoes--on
Boys and girls lets all sing along
Now everybody just get on the good foot

Get on the good foot 

cr. azlyrics 


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09.35 Unknown 0 Comments


1.Rumusan Pancasila yang sah dan resmi terdapat didalam…
a.dokumen Negara RI                                    c.pembukaan UUD 1945
b.program Jakarta                                           d.batang tubuh UUD 145

2.Ideologi Pancasila bersumber pada…
a.budaya bangsa Indonesia
b.nilai-nilai luhur
c.budaya suku bangsa Indonesia
d.kepribadian bangsa

3.Nilai-nilai dasar yang tersirat dalam sila kedua Pancasila adalah..
a.tidak memaksakan kehendak
b.menghormati orang lain
c.menjunjung tinggi   nilai-nilai kemanusiaan
d.mementingkan urusan pribadi
4.Norma hokum memiliki sanksi yang tugas dan nyata karena bersifat…
a.memaksa                         b.penyesalan                     c.penjara                             d.pidana

5.Penyebab dikeluarkannya Dekrit Presiden tanggal 5 juli 1959 adalah…
a.UUDS 1950 tidak sesuai dengan UUD 1945
b.Konstituante tidak dapat menjalankan tugasnya
c.masa berlakunya UUDS 1950 telah habis
d.adanya pertentangan Presiden dengan konstituante

6.UUD 1945 mengalami … kali amandemen
a.1                                          b.2                                          c.3                                          d.4

7.Yang berwenang menetapkan undang-undang di yang negara Indonesia adalah…
a. DPR                                   b.DPR dan Presiden        c.Presiden                           d.MK

8.Undang-undang yang memuat sistem pendidikan nasional adalah…
a.UU RI No.20 tahun 2003
b.UU RI No.20 tahun 2004
c. UU RI No.20 tahun 2005
d. UU RI No.20 tahun 2006

9.Perpu sebagai sumber hokum tercantum di dalam…
a.pasal 5 ayat 1
b.pasal 5 ayat 2
c.pasal 6 ayat 1
d.pasal 6 ayat 2

10.KPK diatur dalam undang-undang RI no…
a. No.20 Tahun 2001
b. No.31 Tahun 1999
c. No. 30 Tahun 2002
d. No.28 Tahun 1999

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09.30 Unknown 0 Comments


    1. Penyakit berkurangnya sel darah putih karena infeksi tipus disebut…
      a.sklerosis     b.embolus     c.koronariasis     d.leukopeni
    2.  Tersumbatnya pembuluh darah oleh benda bergerak disebut…
      a.sklerosis     b.embolus     c.koronariasis     d.leukopeni
    3. Varises adalah...
      a.penyumbatan pembuluh darah
      b.pelebaran pembuluh darah
      c.kanker darah
      d.mengerasnya pembuluh nadi
    4.       Lay terjatuh saat menari. Sikunya berdarah namun sukar berhenti. Kelainan yang dialami Lay disebut…
      5. Perhatikan hal berikut!
      1)Mengatur keseimbangan asam dan basa agar jaringan tidak rusak
      2)Menghasilkan urine
      3)Tempat pembentukan provitamin A menjadi vitamin A
      4)Mengedarkan air dan sari makanan ke seluruh tubuh
          yang termasuk fungsi darah adalah...
          a.1 dan 2       b.2 dan 4      c.1 dan 4       d.1 dan 3
      6.Yang dimaksud dengan resipien universal yaitu...
          a. A
          b. B
          c. O
          d. AB
      7.Kegagalan pembentukan hemoglobin disebut ...
      8.Tenaga penggerak sistem peredaran darah yaitu...
         a.Kontraksi otot jantung
         b.Kontraksi otot rangka
         c.Kontraksi hati
         d.energi makanan
      9.Fungsi sel darah putih adalah...
         a.mengangkut sari-sari makanan
         b.mengangkut karbondioksida
         c.memakan kuman penyakit dan benda asing atau fagosit dalam tubuh
         d.menjaga keseimbangan asam dan basa dalam tubuh
      10.Diantara pembuluh darah berikut yang paling banyak mengangkut CO2 yaitu...
           a.Vena kava
           b.Vena pulmonalis
           c.Vena porta
           d.Arteri pulmonalis

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